What You Are Missing…
While Being a Digital Zombie.
In a hyperconnected world, where mobile devices have become appendices to our body and people check their social media accounts hundreds of times a day, human interaction is sacrificed daily in favor of digital exchanges.
In his talk from TEDxStockholm event “Generation WHY?”, psychotherapist Patrik Wincent takes us on a journey through his own Internet addiction, and gives us valuable tips to avoid becoming digital zombies.
Patrik Wincent is the founder of ”Internetakuten”, a company with the main focus of offering counsel to people who are dealing with digital stress and to offer education in how to prevent and recognize digital stress. Patrik Wincent has also founded ”Dataspelsakuten”, a company which is similar to Internetakuten, but deals with people who are struggling with video gaming addiction.
Patrik Wincent is an authorized psychotherapist, he is a coach, a writer, a lecturer and spoken word artist. But most importantly, Patrik is a father to a teenager and so he fully understands the challenges that parents are faced with when it comes to having children that are growing up in this digital era. Follow Patrik online at patrikwincent.se.